Unseen Disabilities: Common Myths and Reconciliations

  1. Common Myths
  2. Unseen Disabilities: Common Myths and Reconciliations

Unseen disabilities may make it difficult for people to gain and keep employment. While individuals living with unseen disabilities may be entitled to disability benefits through Social Security Disability (SSD), accessing those benefits can be hard when your disability is not visible to others.

An experienced disability advocate understands the unique challenges associated with unseen disabilities and can help immensely when filing to receive disability benefits.


invisible disability labels under magnifying glassUnseen or invisible disabilities are conditions that are not noticeable to the naked eye but still limit one’s capabilities. Since the symptoms of these conditions are not visible, many people living with them face misunderstanding, false perceptions, and judgments from others.



Numerous health conditions can fall under the category of unseen disabilities. Some of the most common conditions include:

  • Chronic pain
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • ADHD
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Autism
  • Schizophrenia
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Celiac disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Fibromyalgia

Many of these conditions can prevent an individual from working and earning a living wage, leaving them struggling to make ends meet and provide for themselves and their family. Social Security disability benefits can provide these individuals with necessary financial security. However, receiving benefits for an unseen disability can be a challenging process.


People living with invisible illnesses and injuries often face judgment and criticism from others. It can be hard to get other people, even many medical professionals, to understand the depth of your pain and suffering when you appear otherwise healthy from the outside. Many may question the legitimacy of the disability. Others may believe you’re living with a disability but not be able to really comprehend the magnitude of your situation.

HOW CAN A Disability Advocate HELP?

Although many invisible conditions qualify a person for SSD benefits, obtaining approval can be difficult. You will need extensive medical documentation of your condition as well as how it affects your life and ability to work or not work.

One of the hurdles those with unseen disabilities face is getting the medical community to listen and document their illness, injury, or medical struggles in a way that lends credit to their SSD claim.

A knowledgeable and experienced disability advocate can help. The legal team at Parmele Disability Advocates has over 135 years of combined disability experience and will review your situation, discuss options, and decide the best path moving forward.

Filing for disability benefits can be a confusing, long, drawn-out process. Missing information and lack of understanding regarding all required can convolute and lengthen the filing process even more. Take advantage of Parmele’s no-cost initial consultation by calling 866-889-2570 to determine your best options for receiving the disability benefits you deserve.

Parmele Disability Advocates. Disability advocacy for all.  

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